Conversation Between the last donut of the night and Il Medico

  1. the last donut of the night
    how exotic
  2. Il Medico
    A private conference for the ICC.
  3. the last donut of the night
    What conference are you attending in NYC?
  4. the last donut of the night
    I lament that. Maybe one day you´ll find faith again. But do me a favour: never be an anti-theist.
  5. Il Medico
    I would go a bit further and say I've pretty much lost it. Although, this isn't the first time, so maybe there will be some sort of revival. lol
    But now that I think about it, my original coming back to Catholicism was mainly me trying to escape my problems. I certainly understand your point of view, and I am very much against anti-theism, as much as Fundamentalism.
  6. the last donut of the night
    So you´re faltering in your faith?
  7. Il Medico
    Supposedly. Although how much faith I still have in him/her/it is questionable.
    To quote the Hindu holy text:
    "Men are the dreams of the gods. Or perhaps, the gods are the dreams of men"
    I am starting to lean more towards the latter. If God exist, then he exist the same way as communism does, as an idea.
  8. the last donut of the night
    Hey, are you Christian?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8