Conversation Between Weezer and Agent Ducky

  1. Weezer
    I found it on a blog called Socialist Tea.
  2. Agent Ducky
    I LOVE your avatar. It is fucking awesome. Did you make it, or where did you find it?
  3. Agent Ducky
    Thanks for that, checking it out now.
  4. Weezer
  5. Agent Ducky
    Definitely, link me =]
  6. Weezer
    There's a facebook account for it. I met with one of the members, I'm gonna join real soon. Want the facebook link?
  7. Agent Ducky
    Really? Interesting. Almost didn't expect there to be enough socialists around OC to warrant that lol. Any details?
  8. Weezer
    You're in the OC right? We have a SPUSA branch opening up here.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8