Conversation Between Lolshevik and Coggeh

  1. Coggeh
    Yeah , Matt Waine . Thanks , were doing it as much as we can I suppose . Though so is the rest of the CWI .
  2. Lolshevik
    Congratulations on the election of Joe Higgins. I also hear that one of your councillors was arrested at a state break-up of a workplace occupation. You guys have a lot to be proud of, from what I read it seems you're truly placing yourselves at the vanguard of the Irish workers' struggle.
  3. Coggeh
    Very good , the Irish section is booming i suppose , got an MEP elected too (bout the american equivalent to a national congressman i suppose) ah don't worry , just dig deep and try and work with other left wing campaigns , sooner or later it'll work . Fair play though for trying
  4. Lolshevik
    Well, in the state I live (Iowa) there's no branch, but I'm working to change that. How are things in your country?
  5. Coggeh
    Not too bad , hows the cwi going in the US ?
  6. Lolshevik
    Hey there! It's always good to see another CWI comrade. I'm good; yourself?
  7. Coggeh
    Hey comrade , hows life ?
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