Conversation Between Hoggy_RS and PRC-UTE

  1. PRC-UTE
    oh, but should clarify, I got the idea of using it in my avatar when I saw you had posted it somewhere
  2. PRC-UTE
    no, I heard that place is a spy ring for the rosary bead brigade. I got the poster in an email from the comrade who done it
  3. Hoggy_RS
    I like the avatar comrade! your not on are you? thats where I 1st saw that picture.
  4. Hoggy_RS
    Good man yourself! Thanks for joining!
  5. PRC-UTE
    hey bai, made republican socialists my primary tendency well done a chara
  6. Hoggy_RS
    Check out the new group I setp bud> . cheers lad!
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