Conversation Between Blackscare and chegitz guevara

  1. chegitz guevara
    The active membership in Florida, is, by and large, revolutionary. We have left communists, Deleonists, Trotskyists, revolutionary Marxists etc. Tampa's a mixed bag, some revolutionaries, some social democrats. Most people aren't active, though.

    The platform is an electoral platform, and while many of us support many parts of it, I don't know anyone who supports all of it. The key is the Statement of Principles.

    Nationally, people who support revolutionary politics make up a good majority of the party. However, we've been divided, and not acting united, and we've let power slip into the hands of the social democrats. We realize we screwed up, and hopefully we can be organized enough so that doesn't happen again at the next convention.
  2. Blackscare
    Thanks for the link, I'm going over the party platform, etc, right now. I hear there's a healthy tradition of coexisting factions within the party, and that the revolutionary tendency is on the rise. Would you agree with that statement? Also, where does most of the Florida membership fall on the scale between reformism and revolutionary politics?

    Sorry to bombard you with questions.
  3. chegitz guevara
    I would be one of the people you contact in regards to that.
  4. Blackscare
    Which socialist party do you mean? SPUSA? If you hear anything through the grapevine regarding that, tell them that there's at least one comrade in the area that would like to participate in re-forming that chapter. Or, if you know anyone I could contact in regards to that, I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks for the info.
  5. chegitz guevara
  6. chegitz guevara
    Not so much. The Socialist Party has a suspended local there we're hoping to reorganize. The Africa People's Socialist Party is headquartered in the area, but I don't really recommend them, as I've heard very bad things about how they operate internally. I don't know if St. Pete's for Peace is still doing anything, but they were pretty radical.
  7. Blackscare
    Hey, I see you're active in Florida. Do you know of anything in Clearwater?
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