Conversation Between Blackscare and RHIZOMES

    Aha! I remember you as PKSoviet.
  2. Blackscare
    Almost certainly the same as it is now, or maybe pksoviet or greyscare
    Eh the more i've been browsing I remember this site's odd appeal...

    Wait what was your username when I was actually a regular?
    No, maybe, I dunno... I like to post one or two things every now and then but I find the level of debate on this forum really low. I'm currently doing quite well in academia so I've been devoting a lot of my time to that (and playing videogames, lol).
  5. Blackscare
    AB, whats up man/wo-man? Haven't seen you in a while, noticed you were in my 'recent visitors' shemp. You coming back to revleft?
  6. Blackscare
    YES! Thanks man, that pic is awesome
    I did Makhno in that Kanye West thread
    I've been considering leaving the CC for ages LOL it's good you took a stand. But I stay because I'm so attached to this board it's good to see whats going on and get my two cents in even if it's 95% drama llama.
  9. Blackscare
    Hey AB, I saw that you thanked a post of mine in my final CC thread, and the insecure part of my brain is wondering if you were thanking me for leaving or something, which I wouldn't quite understand. Probably just being paranoid or something, lol.
  10. Blackscare
    Hey man/wo-man, I made a thread that you could perhaps help me with.

    Peace and chicken grease,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10