Conversation Between Blackscare and Patchd

  1. Patchd
    Lol fair dos mate, I managed to sign onto the IWW after the Mayday march last year, not a bad time to do so eh ... I think on the points about having strict guidelines to join, from what I've seen NEFAC isn't attempting to build itself as a mass workers movement based on libertarian lines. Remember that they see the working class as liberating themselves, so they have no need for an organisation to dictate a certain party line for them ... simply, the strict guidelines ensure tactical and theoretical unity, for the purpose of agitation.
  2. Blackscare
    Haha you're the second person in two days to ask me that, actually at this stage I'm just a supporter (partly because it's just hard to get in, also because only recently did I get a job again). I haven't been part of any groups so I just put NEFAC because I admire them.

    I'm about to send in my letter to join the IWW right about now, and then I'm going to try for NEFAC (although I doubt there's a local group I could take part in, like they require).

    For an anarchist organization, they're surprisingly strict about their membership.
  3. Patchd
    Oh nice are you in NEFAC? I've been having a look at their website recently.
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