Conversation Between eli and Rascolnikova

  1. Rascolnikova
    I think the self-esteem problems are quite obvious just from talking to you.

    take care. .
  2. who said anything about self-esteem problems? sounds like you've been talking to the wrong people, and the wrong people haven't been keeping their mouths shut. anyway, you're pretty perceptive, and a nice person, which is a quality i lack, i'll see you around or something. my msn is on here and my aim. i was probably a bit mean to you maby becuz people mistook you for me, and maybe i resented that, and resented my former politics or something. whatever. ciao.
  3. that makes me sound like a car too. 'yep, she needs a service right about now, new tires and an oil change'
  4. i'm glad it isn't, cos i don't like the name. i alwayz thought that a name should give an impression, ya know?
  5. Rascolnikova
    no worries, it's not my name.
  6. perfectly serviceable human being

  7. Rascolnikova
    I'll sigh if I damn well please, particularly when a perfectly serviceable human being goes troll on me.
  8. don't fucking give me your name on here...

    i'm dangerous! and i don't hav 'des' facebook, because she's a piece of shit who i wouldn't share a crumb with, let alone my facebook.

    gawd. y do u do this 2 me. if u want to talk 2 me, its eazy detailz r on here.

  9. don't sigh me motherfucker.

    and no, i luuuurve pornz.
  10. Rascolnikova
    Btw, I'd be happy to talk to you somewhere else; I'm jane roe on facebook, you can find me from des'. .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12