Conversation Between Brother No. 1 and RedStarOverChina

  1. Brother No. 1
    hah ha Check mate Tovarishch
  2. RedStarOverChina
    DAMN YOU!!!
  3. Brother No. 1
    I dont know Polish XD I'm learning 3 langages but I will learn it. Untillthen Spasiba/Gracias/Xie Xie
  4. RedStarOverChina
    Quick, how do you say thank you in polish?
  5. Brother No. 1
    anarchists as in they had no state XD not in literal terms
  6. RedStarOverChina
    I understood that many members of the Polish military were extremely reactionary. But how can they be anarchists when they were in fact, nationalists?
  7. Brother No. 1
    It's not so much 'pro-soviet' as ' they were reactionaries, they were in SSR byeloRussian territory and were no longer the neutral force of the poles (which had never fired once at the Soviets so it kinda shows you there was no opposition to the USSR taking eastern poland since they didnt think Rumania would be a shit hole)
  8. Brother No. 1
    speaking o Katyn and polish deaths "(the Polish President's death) is the most progressive thing to happen to poland since Katyn" XD

    Bascially there were alot of Katyn's on German and Soviet sides. and Tbh I dont have much care or feeeligs for those dogs even if one of them was my father's father. Why? Mostly because these were xenopbhoic, ultra-nationalist fucks who were bascially a bunch of anarchists when they were killed. Poland no longer existed as a state, as such there was no military and thats how officers become anarchist reactionaries.
  9. RedStarOverChina
    What do you think about the Katyn Massacre? You think they did it?

    I'm not sure. I dont believe a word of the West's version, and I have my suspecions towards Gorbachev and Yeltin also. But I havent heard of any good counter argument from pro-Soviets either.
  10. Brother No. 1
    well in a technical fashion I'm apart of a polish/irish family. But at times yes, for my father believes in the anti-communist of today's society and is somewat leaning on obama to have better things but even he reliazes its almost hopeless. Generally I know this bulgarian girl who I try to ask to ask her parents what the People's Republic of Bulgaria was since there are no good books on it other then Dimitrov and another.
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