Conversation Between scarletghoul and Cultural Revolution

  1. scarletghoul
    wasnt me
  2. did u invite me 2 join the termite group, sorry but i declined, seemed like some trot conspiracy lol
  3. put the dprk on the naughty step haha
  4. scarletghoul
    yes the world service asked people to phone in saying how to punish north korea.
  5. haha u seen the BBC coverage of the DPRK incident LOOL
  6. should i change my name IRL to Hadji Murat? lol
  7. its like i know im impotent so to make up for it im like an online recruiter, who stalks porn chatrooms lol
  8. scarletghoul
    wtf lol
  9. is it bad when you join porn sites so you can discuss marxism with the people in the chatroom and try and convet them lol
  10. scarletghoul
    i dont think i ever found a pdf (if its blood in my eye youre thinking of) sorry

    for a lot of books you can just google "[title] pdf" and find it
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 28