Conversation Between Salabra and Il Medico

  1. Il Medico
    Unfortunately not. A lot of stuff from BBC 1,2, and 3 doesn't air here in the states on BBC America. And if it does, it is quite a bit later. (Torchwood Children of Earth didn't air here until late July.) My first Doctor was Chris Eccleson, I started watching it when the new series began. I was a bit too young to remember McCoy. (I was like 6 when he was the Doctor.)
  2. Salabra
    Great David Tennant pic. Did you see the episode tracing his ancestry on the BBC'S "Who Do You Think You Are?"

    My first Dr Who was Sylvester McCoy and the story was "Paradise Towers." Before the first of the modern series (Christopher Eccleston) began here, the ABC repeated 'highlight' stories from the entire corpus, beginning with "An Unearthly Child."
  3. Salabra
    I was referring to torchwood. Doctor who classic or new series is pretty much sexless. With of course the exception of the love story between the Doctor and Rose and Captain Jack's flirting.

    I know - I'm in a particularly humourless mood at the moment
  4. Il Medico
    I was referring to torchwood. Doctor who classic or new series is pretty much sexless. With of course the exception of the love story between the Doctor and Rose and Captain Jack's flirting.
  5. Salabra
    Hahaha. There was quite a bit of sex in the first two seasons. I loved the kiss between jack/jack (John Barrowman and Matt Rippy) in "Captain Jack Harkness". I cried a little to be truthful. And John Barrowman is such a handsome man!

    I think the creator of the Motivational Poster was referring to "classic" Dr Who (William Hartnell - Sylvester McCoy)
  6. Il Medico
    Greetings comrade. I have noticed you have been a member for a while, but I don't believe we have,met. I welcome you back to revleft. Also, thanks for the thanks!
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