Conversation Between ev and Uncle Al

  1. Uncle Al
    Hi! Sorry I've been out of touch for the past... well several months really. But no matter. To answer your query from so long ago - a really good place to start re. Buddhism is 'Buddhism Without Beliefs' by Stephen Batchelor.
  2. Interesting, could you recommend me something on Buddhism (preferably something focusing on the philosophical aspect and not so much the religious aspect) Oh and yes, my name is Эван, it was deliberate, but I often (esp. on .ru's) alias as Иван (not much of a difference i know) Hope things clarifies things
  3. Uncle Al
    I take my cue from HH The Dalai Lama. Btw, I've been dying to ask you - is your Cyrillic misspelling deliberate? 'Ivan' in Cyrillic is "Иван", not "Эван", which would be 'Evan' (not a Russian name, clearly).
  4. How can you be a "Marxist-Buddhist" are you a Buddhist from a philosophical perspective?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4