Conversation Between Agnapostate and The Vegan Marxist

  1. Agnapostate
    Veterans who were converted from a jingoistic mentality. I'm entering as a progressive, so it's more likely that people will view it as a case of apostasy.
  2. The Vegan Marxist
    I don't think you'll be banned. We've got veterans here on RevLeft. In a way, I do agree that I you shouldn't join, but I'm not the one who decides another's fate. That's up to the individual.
  3. Agnapostate
    It's kind of a long story. There was a debate in this thread about it six months ago, and a lot of figures in the anti-war movement have been trying to convince me otherwise online and IRL, but I got tired of arguing about it. Maybe I'll be banned from the board or something when it happens; I don't know.
  4. The Vegan Marxist
    Why exactly are you joining the Marines?
  5. Agnapostate
    I don't really think she knows; we don't discuss politics, and she thinks I'm a conservative because I'm joining the Marines. She's a centrist herself.
  6. The Vegan Marxist
    So how's your mom like you being an anarchist & all, since she use to be LAPD, & the two guys she's been with were cops as well?
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