Conversation Between tehpevis and AtteroDominatus

  1. tehpevis
    I see you've been Restricted?

  2. tehpevis
    btw: another communist Forum site I'm a member of
  3. AtteroDominatus
    Yes, I like wolfpack and Metal Crue, as well from Sabaton. However, I really like songs, not really the artists. some artists make one good song and the rest suck, or vice versa. I say as long as the song's good, who cares, y'know?
  4. tehpevis
    I myself like Tenacious D a tad better, but listen to Sabaton more often
  5. AtteroDominatus
    I can't argue there! Awesome band, a friend introduced me to it recently, I spent seven hours straight listening to just this song. Though, I have to say I do like some bands better, like benassi bros.
  6. tehpevis
  7. AtteroDominatus
    How ever did you guess? haha
  8. tehpevis
    lol guessing you got the name from the Sabaton song?
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