Conversation Between Drace and Sinred

  1. Sinred
    Aha ok. Glad anarchocapitalists isnt considerd a part of the revolutionary left on this forum.
    I wish i wouldnt, but we click on so many levels. We will se where this going anyway, baby steps...
  2. Drace
    No, we just restrict right wingers and they get to post in the "Opposing Ideologies" forum. Good luck on that!
    But dont be chasing girls thousands of miles away...
  3. Sinred
    Yeah, is this forum for right-wingers aswell? thinking at comrade anarchist. Im moving for studying and a girl ive been in contact with on the internet for over a year. This is of course if everything goes planned.
  4. Drace
    Oh and don't mind Comrade "Anarchist". His just a Randroid douche no one likes.
  5. Drace
    Armenia, but Im living in the US right now. What are you moving for?
  6. Sinred
    Hey comrade.Where you from?
  7. Drace
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