Conversation Between danyboy27 and sunfarstar

  1. sunfarstar
    China had 问题。but,all into 框架内!
  2. danyboy27
    if you say so!
  3. sunfarstar
    I am very safe and free!very fine!
  4. danyboy27
    arnt you worried about your personnal security, people here arnt supposed to post their own pictures on this forum for security reason you know...
  5. danyboy27
    nevermind just tried the google translator, work like a charm.
  6. sunfarstar
  7. danyboy27
    i cut and pasted what those bizzares character in google and i still dont understand what its supposed to mean.
  8. sunfarstar
    Use google!you will can do everything!turely!
  9. danyboy27
    i dont understand you, sorry.
  10. sunfarstar
    你在北美,我在亚洲。互联网把我们联系在一起。这是以前不能想象的!you can use google find my name:sunfarstar。you will find more info!hehe。。。。。
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14