Conversation Between danyboy27 and Jacobinist

  1. *I'll agree with you when....
  2. I'll agree with you than there is an alternative (not counting on religious indoctrination meals). Til then, we'll just have to disagree.
  3. Fair enough. FYI, Im from a run down neighborhood in NE Los Angeles. I was on welfare, WIC, financial aid, and my parents were always struggling to make ends meet WITH A JOB. Pride means nothing when you actually put food on the table because of welfare.

    Fuck the state and privatized work.
  4. danyboy27
    i dont live in the us, so i am not really familiar with those people you call teabagger.

    I am a canadian.

    i am combative beccause the welfare system is horrible, You have to live it to really understand how horrible and hard for the self esteem it is to be a leech and to depend of the governement to live.

    Fuck the state, i rather work.
  5. Who says Im on welfare? Lolz. Man, you gotta calm down, I usually thank your posts because I like them. You are however seeming ever more combatitive and confrontational, what gives?

    Sponging off the state is very reasonable; given that currently there is NO REAL LEFT oopisition, or any other chance of confronting the establishment. For god sakes look at the teabaggers, and the lefts failure to act to counter those clowns.

    Anyways, I dont consider you a belligerent, yet.

    Peace comrade.
  6. Hey, that post I posted on your profile sounds really bad. My bad for coming across so aggressive. But it is frustrating to have to answer 5-10 flame emails/messages per day with stalinsts simply posting 'fucking trot.'

    Yea I know, ignore the trolls, easier said than done if I may say.

    Anyways, you notice how Stalinists posts always get thanked by the same handful of jack-asses? Well those jackasses are the ones trying to get me to flame them, even though they flamed me first? Confusing I know.

    Peace comrade.
  7. Well, bro, I never mentioned oppression, I meant suppression. The same handful of Stalinists neg rep me everyday, no matter what is posted. I could actually post something positive about Stalin, and they would neg rep me for 'trying to incite a tendency war.' So, frankly put, I give a fuck if you find it annoying. When you deal with little kids, you treat them like little kids.

    Have you not seen the way Sarah Palin talks to the teabaggers? 'You guys are great Americans, real Americans, we dont need government' blah blah. EG baby talk. Fuck that, Im not hear to reach a middle ground with authoritarians, period.

    And how fucking ill informed are you to say that IM THE ONE INITIATING flame wars. WTF?
  8. danyboy27
    Your neg rep is not the result of stalinist opression, its the result of you flaming stalinist.
    look bro, i dont like marxist-leninist either, but i have to admit, your cocky attitude is fucking annoying.

    Dont reply to Marxist leninist flaming, report their post to the administration.
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