Conversation Between OI OI OI and Red Anarchist of Love

  1. i don't like sarcasim. how where you doing be fore i insulted your joke group
  2. stop screwing with me
  3. are the mcdonals in russia better then they are here in the US
  4. lol, nice use of sarcasim sorry about the anti-mcdonals group
  5. yes u are a hippy liar

    dont worry i m one too

    and u broke mi heart
  6. no hard feelings i just did like the idea for the group. i am not a hippie hippies are from the middile class i am from the working class.
  7. i like corporations in general

    like those who make kids in Bagladesh work for 1 $ a day and beat them up

    I enjoy their shoes better
    they have the smell of fresh blood and tears
  8. I like harddies thick burgers better even if they are a corpatration.
  9. we need to support McDonalds as they create jobs for people
    also they have delicious food

    obviously its a joke group
  10. mc donals is a heart less corparation and the food is discusting. if you want to suport them go join
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12