Conversation Between OI OI OI and Module

  1. ya join a party whenever you want .
    So you're a communist ?
    Of what variety may I ask ?

    *Don't say anti-revisionist*
  2. Module
    In my own sweet time I'll join an organisation (and not necessarily an anarchist one - I only consider myself a communist, by the way). I'm in the middle of my exams at the moment, anyway.
    As for Trotsky ... Whatever!
  3. haha ya
    I think though that if someone deserves to get punched, someone needs to punch him son .
    Also about the unpopularity of the messenger , I think I am unpopular for many reasons ,in particular for my fight against stalinists, against the lovers of the Kronstadt rebellion and Makhno and for the correct attitude towards Chavez. A bit more unpopularity wont hurt me.

    Now about the party thing. I see you are an anarchist? Then certainly don't join a party. Join a local anarchist organization to fight for what you believe in. Because by being alone you might lose faith.
    And from my experience people that lose faith become social-democrats

    On the other hand I 'd reccomend that you read some Trotsky
  4. Module
    I agree with what Comrade Alastair said.
    It can't be said enough times but nobody likes the messenger.
    Then again it could be compared to somebody 'needing a punch in the face'. Even if they deserve it, nobody deserves to be able to give it to them!
    Anyway, I'm an 'armchair revolutionary' and I'll fully admit that. People need to stop being so touchy
    (But yeah, even so, I ain't joinin' no "party"!)
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