Conversation Between Yehuda Stern and AvanteRedGarde

  1. Yehuda Stern
    Many people in the CC try to enforce their politics on the rest of the forum. This includes sometimes trying to restrict third-worldists for being reactionary and anti-worker - this when people like benhur are roaming free and HLVS gets into the CC. Don't expect fairness. In life, that expectation is often not met.
  2. AvanteRedGarde
    Do me a favor and weigh in in favor of my threads. Many of them were recently moved to OI.
  3. AvanteRedGarde
    You might be interested in this post
  4. Yehuda Stern
    Send me your e-mail address in a PM and I'll send you some documents. And make no mistake - our position is a classical Trotskyist position, as you can see from Trotsky's position of a black republic in South Africa. Your problem is that you only know of Trotskyism as the name which various centrist and pro-imperialist groups have used to give their positions a Marxist veneer.
  5. AvanteRedGarde
    Hello. Yours points on Occupied Palestine are great. Honestly I'm a bit surprised that they're coming from a self-described Trotskyist. Can you send me some links to your group's statements on the issue?
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