Conversation Between Yehuda Stern and Wanted Man

  1. Wanted Man
    A Dutch football pundit who's mostly known for his dry wit.
  2. Yehuda Stern
    Who's that dude in your avatar?
  3. Yehuda Stern
    Very well. I'll get right on it.
  4. Wanted Man
    Interesting stuff, in any case. But 'getting banned' for badmouthing this or that group is certainly nothing to worry about here. People say all sorts of things about any communist party, trotskyist group or anarchist whatever, and it's often slanderous, insulting or false. So really, there is no harm in posting proof of anything.
  5. Yehuda Stern
    I agree with you to an extent. One's political line isn't decided by his positions on historical matters, but I think that it's true the other way around. What I meant is that, in the light of the nature of the Stalinist regimes, you should think of your political line.

    Regarding Ma'avak - if I thought that there would be any chance of me not getting banned for posting an expose of a left group here, I'd long since prove in many ways what I say about them. But obviously that would break the modus vivendi that different groups controlling this forum have agreed to. Regarding Ma'avak being social-chauvinists, consider the fact that in an interview to a website called Avoda Shkhora (Black Labor), a Ma'vak member said that the Israeli CP was not a workers party because:

    "It has some Palestinian workers, but no Jewish workers."
  6. Wanted Man
    Well, that's the kicker; I don't think one's political line is decided by which historical countries one "supports". Supporting something non-existent is meaningless, they have just left us experiences to learn from. I definitely don't think that the USSR was state capitalist and imperialist, but that's just about it.

    Also, interesting discussion about Ma'avak in the Israel thread. I can't tell if any of those things are true, but if there's one thing I can't stand, it's right-opportunism.
  7. Yehuda Stern
    Thank you for your comments. I am always glad to expose semi-Zionists and closet Zionists who can verbalize in fancy ways but whose politics are a hundred percent pro-imperialist. I do not think that you're an anti-Semite, btw, but considering the track record of the regimes you support regarding Jews and other minorities, maybe it would be correct to reassess your attitude towards them.
  8. Wanted Man
    Great first posts, welcome to RevLeft. As I don't share trotskyism, or the idea that the USSR became state capitalist and imperialist, you'd probably consider me a "supporter of anti-Semitic, Stalinist, East European dictatorships". But more importantly, I fully agree with you on Zionism. I was surprised to see quite a few people on RevLeft defend not only the existence of Israel, but even the way it was created. So I'm glad that you've injected a bit of common sense into that thread, as well as some experiences that not everyone has.
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