Conversation Between TheCultofAbeLincoln and danyboy27

  1. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    That's good to hear.

    I hear that Quebec City is pretty much french speaking, while Montreal is much more bilingual. Is that accurate?
  2. danyboy27
    well, the province itself is verry rural, but i live in quebec city, the second largest area with 800 000 of population. Unemployement is one of the lowest in my province, many jobs avaliable too.
  3. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Oh and that sucks about losing work. It makes everything else much more difficult, especially if one is in an isolated area with few options.
  4. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    That's a pretty lofty goal to have, I hope you the best.

    Is Quebec a very rural place? I live near it in NY, but don't have a passport.
  5. danyboy27
    relatively fine, it appear my workplace is gonna close down in a fews month or so.

    Beside that, well i am trying to save money so i can purchase a car and a driving license. i also want to go back to school get a degree but seriously i have no clue.
    Education is relatively cheap where i live, so money is not really an issue. I want to know what i wanna do before to commit all my efforts toward my education.

    i want to be useful for society.
  6. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    not too much. how have you been?
  7. danyboy27
    sup bro
  8. danyboy27
    howdy man! that was verry lame of them to restrict you.
    I mean, that thread was obviously a geniune questionning, its not like you actually believe that immigrants are scabs. There is no crime in saying that immigrant are used by capitalist has a leverage against a population.
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