Conversation Between Peacekeeper and apathy maybe

  1. Yeah, yawn here too. End of story for now?
  2. Hey, don't get uptight. I said that Islam is homophobic and sexist. If you can work around those issues, then fine. I also didn't say you were racist. I said that your views could lead to racism. (And no, race doesn't exist, you are the one living in a fantasy world, heck you even believe in god!)
    Yeah, fuck Lenin, I agree. Become an anarchist instead, we have more fun anyway.

    Oh, and finally, it isn't feminist to say that any sexual relations in a capitalist society is rape. Just fucking stupid (again). Rape is without consent. You can easily have consent in capitalism.

    Yeah, so again, I didn't say you were racist, sexist or homophobic. I said that you defend a religion which is sexist and homophobic, and that your views on race could easily become racist.

    (Thought experiment. If different races exist, then surely there must be an objective measure to determine if one race is better then another at doing different things. Such as, Greyhound dogs are better at racing, and terriers are better at hunting. If one race is better then another, then surely we should be promoting that race ahead of any other race, so as to keep those good genetics. And don't you agree that our race is better then any other race?

    As you can see, if race exists, it can lead to racism. )
  3. FYI: Your views on race, as well as your defence of Islam make you a "potentially restrict worthy person".

    Basically, your views on race are not too far from racism, and the defence of Islam is defence of a homophobic and sexist religion. If you make the mistake of being racist, sexist or homophobic yourself, then you get restricted.

    Of course, if you rationalise your religion with your personal situation and your politics, then yeah, no worries. But seriously, think about dropping the Islam (and the Leninism too actually, but hey). Oh, and you might want to read what Lenin wrote about Islam.
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