Conversation Between bellyscratch and marxistcritic

  1. I won't even bother replying to what you said as it seems loads of other people already are...
  2. Well, communism reqiures some dgree of control, and anarchy is no control, and religioun is brainwashing and stupidity. You'd be just as angry if someone added unicorn-belief to watever your ideals are.
  3. Just seen your new group and I just thought I should say I think you misunderstand a few things....

    I'm no Che fan, but to say 'he did NOTHING signifigant', just isn't true at all, and I suggest you read up a lot more about him and his views.

    Also, how can you say 'There is no such thing as anarcho-communism'? What is that even supposed to mean? It just doesn't make sense to me, and shows you have a huge misunderstanding of the ideology. And just to say, I'm not one myself.

    Then to say 'we need to stop christian communism, because it contradicts itself.' . Thats just rubbish. Explain to me how this is true? Religion itself is not incompatable with communism at all.
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