Conversation Between BIG BROTHER and La Comédie Noire

  1. La Comédie Noire
    I will get it to you as soon as I straighten out my computer problems!
    o lol, well if you could email it to me or something that would be cool, my email is [email protected]
  3. La Comédie Noire
    Haha it has Karl and he's holding a flute and he says "don'y you know working class emancipation can only come from the working class itself?" and then Lenin's holding a banjo and he's like "no, but if you hum a few bars I can fake it"

    I don't know a link to it but I have it saved to my computer if you would like it.
    hey dude, do you have like a link to your avatar image? what does it say?
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