Conversation Between Holden Caulfield and Pogue

  1. pfft
  2. Pogue
    This isn't private messages, holden.
  3. .
  4. Pogue
    ok mate
  5. I didn't get it.
    But then again TAT has picked up twice this week for obvious things.
    firstly he said i misquoted something after I said 'to paraphrase' secondly he said I was a lair for saying I was removed as mod when I said 'self demodded'.
    Lesson being, never underestimate the stupidity of revlefters
  6. Pogue
    I'm stunned by how you didn't realise I was talking jokingly to you in that thread...
  7. "Stop being so rude and insulting in how you conduct your 'criticism'. Consider this a verbal warning"

    hahaha pot calling the kettle black?
    I just clicked for the red flag thread to this one. fucking hypocritical modding ****s
  8. Pogue
    that doesn't suprise me. structural adjustment policies are inhumanely brutal.
  9. you mentioned the IMF...
    Did you know there has been research done by Cambridge and Yale Unis that proves that IMF loans cause TB.
    IMF loans mean govts cut back on spending, thus healthcare. And so TB rises in poor countries when they get loans, then the problem resides when the loan ends.

    A good little one to use against cappies.

    I love being called violent for support revolution gives you a platform to destroy the hypocracy of others
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