Conversation Between Pogue and comrade stalin guevara

  1. Private school? hmmm
    you would know

    paedophile hmmm thats antogonist
  2. Pogue
    And you're gonna come after me with a knife? You stupid ****, you wouldn't know how to stab someone. Go back to your private school you poseur.
  3. Pogue
    You're a fascist paedophile.
  4. lol - trying to get HLVS to engage in substantive discussion is like drawing blood from a stone. Carry on throwing insults at whoever you imagine Jazzratt to be.
  5. now fuck you and your life,
    im coming with me and my knife,
    ready to fuck you up with one straight cut,
    its got a large white handel and a skinny fucking blade,
    to waste it on you would be a damn fucking shame,
    all you fucking revisionist all the fucking same.
  6. Comrade,
    thanks i know my raps aint great,
    but unlike some a least iv tried
    me trying hard lol not trying hard enough i write those raps in about half an hour
    they would proberly sound better if i took time to write them.

    i have sent a friends request
    cos you are right fighting over this is stupid.

    Stalin Guevara
  7. Ok comrade,
    like i said befor if you got something better il shutup,
    however after reading your post revisionist cant rap can they!

    your a member of the rap group when you dont like a rap you blow it outta the water with a better rap not whine about it.
  8. Pogue
    You win what?
    The "Who-can-threaten-people-with-losing-their-respectability-by-challenging-them-to-write-a-'rap-contest?
    Quite said how you have to make up victories for yourself.
    Hey I challenge you to fly to the moon in the next 5 seconds. Hey, I win. No, I don't. Because thats stupid.
    Come on, thats not a challenge. What you write isn't rap, its shit, its appalling, its embarassing. Ask any good rap artist or poet and they'd agree. You're just writing communist theory and arranging it into lines which you then try to rhyme, its really bad. Seriously. Just take the criticism and grow up, rather than making up victories.
  9. I respect your critic,
    but i gave you a challenge you failed,
    so all in all because i tried and failed and you dident even try
    i win by default

    stalin guevara
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14