Conversation Between Bandito and Viet Minh

  1. Viet Minh
    I don't consider myself a Monarchist, if I said that or implied that I was wrong. When I first joined everyone started the Republican FTQ stuff, there is an assumption that all loyalists love the queen and all republicans love the pope i also said i wasn't in favour of decapitating them which made some of the mroe radical here sceptical of me i think!
  2. Bandito
    Why do you care so much about leftist movements when you consider yourself a Monarchist?
  3. Viet Minh
    Interesting thread. Its sad to see nationalism in Serbia, I don't know a huge amount of Serbian history but I know there was a strong anti-fascist leftist culture there at one time, maybe even at the start of the wars. Maybe it can come back, people maybe just need to realise their enemy is imperialism and seperatism. The Kosovan war is still fresh in their minds, that maybe drives people to the extreme ideologies, so hopefully things will improve. Thanks for your reply!
  4. Bandito
    Right-wing. You'd want to read through this thread.
  5. Viet Minh
    Can I ask are Red Star Belgrade left or right wing fans? Or both/ neither..
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