Conversation Between PigmerikanMao and Questionable

  1. Questionable
    Hey there. You're one of the more outspoken third-worldists here. Would you mind answering some questions I had?

    I would have asked you directly but if I'm not mistaken there's a couple more third-worldists in OI and I wanted to see what they thought, too.
  2. PigmerikanMao
    Here's an article by MIM that takes Pol Pot into some serious discussion, though I disagree with their denunciation of him as an opportunist/not Maoist:

    As for thirdworldism, my position is a little more complex. While I acknowledge the existence of a labour aristocracy within the systemic structure of first world parasitism and imperialism, I break with many thirdworldists and members of MIM insomuch as I continue to believe in a substantial proletarian class in the first world, just that they are not a majority nor in any sort of revolutionary situation (I also break with them for supporting Pol Pot Thought).

    Hope that clears things up. -PMao
  3. PigmerikanMao
    No offense taken, in fact I appreciate the complement in its context. Most messages I get about thirdworldist or pol-potist leanings tend to be a considerable more confrontational.

    As for Pol Pot, In the same manner that socialism/communism has been ingrained in the public consciousness as an "evil" force in the west by their governments, media, and churches- a similar phenomenon occurred throughout the communist international community following Vietnam's invasion of Kampuchea as a means to justify their campaign. While I will not attempt to justify everything that happened in Kampuchea, as mistakes were made as are made in any revolution, the bulk of Pol Pots writings seem fairly logical and extraordinarily revolutionary given the circumstances of the Cambodian revolution- circumstances which apply to many states throughout the third world.
  4. Questionable
    Pardon me if I offend you, but are you actually a third-worldist/Pol-Potist?

    You seem very intelligent and you mentioned working-class internationalism, so I can't tell if you're being satirical or not.
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