Conversation Between PigmerikanMao and Palingenisis

  1. You should post more.
  2. PigmerikanMao
    They were the acronyms for two separate communist parties I had a hand in co-founding. Each lasted less than a year though. :| The WCP was forced to disband after we assaulted a congressman, and the other never really got off the ground.
  3. What does WCP, MPIP stand for comrade?
  4. PigmerikanMao
    He's not coming off as a nice guy, seeing what he's leaving on your VMs anyhow. I can't claim to be a complete expert on the matter of Democratic Kampuchea, or the Khmer Rouge, but I have read on them extensively. What I've gathered so far I agree with completely, and the whole thought seems to stem from an advancement of Mao's Collectivist policies, of which I don't think were carried out extensively enough. In short, I'd say I consider myself to be, but someone more intellectual may be able to show me inconsistencies in my arguments.
  5. Comrademan is just trolling...Im not sure he has any real concerns other than seeing himself as an all round "nice guy"...Do you uphold "Pol Pot thought" seriously?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5