Conversation Between Ismail and Vyacheslav Brolotov

  1. Har-de-har. Thanks for the quote.
  2. Ismail
    "We have condemned the cult of the individual and condemn it to this day about anybody at all. On this question we follow the view of Marx, and for this reason amongst us, in our leadership, there is Marxist-Leninist unity, affection, sincerity, Marxist-Leninist respect towards comrades on the basis of the work which each does and his loyalty to the principles of the Party. Amongst us there is no idolâtrie. Above all we speak about the Party, while we speak about Enver only as much as the interests of the Party and country require, and when from the base and the masses there has been some excess in this direction, the Central Committee, the leadership of the Party and I personally, as much as I can and to the extent that they have listened to me about it, have always taken and always will take measures to proceed on the right course." (Reflections on China Vol. II, pp. 419-420.)
  3. Oh, and didn't Hoxha write something about the cult of personality?
  4. I showed those quotes in my AP World History course. Obviously, the reactions were similar to, "He was just trying to make himself look good by being humble for short periods of time!! Blah Blah Blah. Evil!!!!!!"

    How stupid are you allowed to be when you enter an AP course? One of the quotes that I gave even addressed that and said that his fear of appearing pseudo-humble was one of the main reasons he didn't try so hard to stop the people from basically worshipping him or the Soviet leadership from supporting it. Yet, they still ask why he didn't do enough.
  5. Oops, that visitor message looks a little too dramatic
  6. Why can't I ever give rep? Do mods know about this, or should I ask an admin? I mean, I can never give rep.
  7. Ismail
    I don't know of any non-Albanian-language compilation which specifically deals with his views on the Albanian nation.
  8. I thought I heard that somewhere. Usually, I tend not to record or remember everything I read, unlike some people

    That is why I asked at the end if there are any works Hoxha wrote about his own people and nation. I know he has spoken of them in speeches and things like that, but, from what I know, not in entire books or works. One thing that I do know is that there are many other ways to get information on the Albanians besides Hoxha, but I'm curious about his viewpoint (which I can guess is not all that unique or separated from reality).
  9. Ismail
    Hoxha didn't connect Albanian history and culture with that of the Greeks. In fact Greek nationalists accuse him of "Albanizing" aspects of Greek culture.
  10. Do you really agree with Hoxha's attempt to connect Albanian history and culture with that of the Greeks? Did Hoxha do any good works about his own people?
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