Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and The Douche

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    I'm open to the idea of keeping the "work"-related discussions in my thread, but if you feel the need to move your sound-off musings and others' reactions to another thread, feel free to do so.
  2. The Douche
    Nah, I just mean, certain topics are always gonna generate a certain response (pci, pcf, kke, kronstadt etc).
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    OK, so would it be better to close the thread or move it to Non-Political? I don't know what's the appropriate course of action now, if by "can of worms" you have an, ahem, administrative meaning.
  4. The Douche
    Posting on certain topics is always gonna open a can of worms.
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    I was re-posting a cultural blog from someone not politically supportive of the PCI at all.
  6. The Douche
    haha thanks.
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Congrats on becoming an admin, and what khad said!
  8. Die Neue Zeit
    Please ignore LZ's attempt at slander. There was a high-level discussion thread in the CC on the "popular front" subject.
  9. Die Neue Zeit
    I responded to your inquiry.
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