Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and the-red-under-the-bed

  1. hey mate wahts crackin

    not sure if youve seen my blog on Nepal

    be interested in your thoughts.
    cheers mate
    havea good one
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    "A worker who is part of a sporting or cultural club is more class conscious than someone in a union?"

    What I meant here was the extent of worker affiliation with various organizations, and I was trying to invoke the historic SPD model, which incorporated cultural and social organizations, a la Hezbollah. Those workers who merely belong to "yellow" unions tend not to be as conscious as those belonging to more militant unions as well as class-based cultural and social organizations.
  3. i really really dont agree, at all, with your "circles of class conciousness"

    A worker who is part of a sporting or cultural club is more class concious than someone in a union?
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