Conversation Between Bilan and Sam_b

  1. Sam_b
    I didn't find "Bilan: Chapter 26" quite as thrilling. It actually borders on the more psychological aspects - in the sense that flaming has apparently been 'justified'. Justified in the eyes of the beholder, of course, to try and admonish himself from any apparent 'blame' that someone wishes to hand around. Of course I would have thought we were all better than the "he started it!" schoolboy-esque claims which in fact have no basis in reality. Its quite telling that you have got to constantly respond and go on the offence, at the same time feebly trying to "justify" your abusive language.
  2. Bilan
    Oh, it's not a lack of answers. I admit to being befuddled, but it's only because you're being unbelievably dense. You haven't managed to contest or agree with anything that's happened, but just continually spiral off topic.

    I don't need to justify the use of 'twat', 'fuck', etc. All of them have been justified. As you yourself said, you're a dick and you don't deny it. So why cry flaming when I'm just using your other names?
    And you are trolling. That's pretty damn obvious.

    Your closing line is the sorriest excuse for wit I have seen for sometime, my boy.
  3. Sam_b
    Aah, the classic comeback for one with little answers.

    As far as i'm aware, you were contending that I was a dick, which I don't deny, and now are feebly trying to justify repeated flaming by crying 'troll'. Am I on the money on am I on the money?

    Also, the classic schoolboy retort of "thick" "stupid" is duly noted. Heck, at least you're changing it up a bit!
  4. Bilan
    Do you even know what we're talking about anymore? Have you completely missed the point of this entire thing? Do you not even understand what caused this?
    Are you seriously that thick?
  5. Sam_b
    Funny, as i've counted five uses of the word 'fuck' since you started going off on one, at least half a dozen uses of the word 'twat'. I also think its hilarious you keep using the word 'boy' as if you're some sort of haggered sixty-year-old man sitting on an armchair talking about 'the war' or some sort of other event. Its great, because how old are you? Like, twenty three?

    Did I ever tell you about the time I was involved in the Red Clydeside strikes, boy?
  6. Bilan
    I used the word 'fuck' once, and it was to tell you to fuck off. Your continual and intentional misreading is very annoying.

    You are a strange little boy. Who prides them self on being a belligerent arsehole, as if that is something to be proud of? Strange.

    Now, stop posting on my wall; stop acting like a jerk to other members; and read properly.
  7. Sam_b
    Oh, cool! As predicted the man who is not bothered comes back with more flames and another rant!

    What are you trying to point out, exactly? That i'm a dick? Here's the latest: everybody knows this (see? I can use bold as well!).

    It isn't really effective when you try to turn things around. I'm not pretending i'm a dick, but you are trying to use this to excuse your actions. Nae gonnae work, buddy. I look forward to your next eloquent reply, probably with some sort of insult based on the word 'fuck'.
  8. Bilan
    Yes, and why did I call you that? Do you remember? Or is your head shoved to far up your arse?

    And yes, I am hardly being friendly with you about it, but why should I be? You acted like a dick for no reason, and now I am treating you like a dick because you're still acting like one, and have been since the beginning of this.

    Yes, "makes sam_b cry" was provocative. And what posts of yours haven't been exactly?

    You also have a remarkable inability to stay on topic.

    And don't try and claim you're on some sort of crusade to "point out nonsense". What a load of shit. I called you a royal douche for being a dick to another member for no reason. That was pointing out "nonsense". If you were so indifferent, why not fuck off and not say anything in that thread? Why did it require your belligerent post? And if you didn't care, why did you post it?

    So don't play the fool. You know it was your belligerence which provoked this.
  9. Sam_b
    I meant your user title.

    But yes, selective memory indeed from yourself. I quote: "royal douche" "hush now" - your usual patronising crap, and of course a provocation. After this altercation you post 'makes sam_b cry' in your user title: again a provocation.

    So of course I call out this nonsense like I always do. Let's also stop being selective in your attmepts to play some sort of victim. If you really weren't bothered about this why would you keep responding again and again? If you really weren't bothered why would you resort to flaming? In other words, for someone not bothered, you have a funny way of showing this. When you then can't handle the heat of this flaming, you then say it is 'trolling': kind of like the kid at school that throws insults but when he gets some in return he runs off to the teacher. Probably unwise after calling someone a 'fuckwit', eh?

    You can really not be bothered and stop responding, not like thats going to happen.
  10. Bilan
    You are trolling. Don't be an idiot. The post that caused all of this was a troll post.

    I didn't put anything in your user title. What are you talking about?
    And what is this crap about provocation? What post began all of this? Yours or mine? Yours. And with this post, what were you doing? Provoking.

    And also, considering that you began this by trolling, and it wasn't until you had been trolling for quite sometime (moving it to my page, however) that I flamed you (a lot less than you seem to think).
    So, no, I'm afraid your accusation of flaming is what is ridiculous. If you troll and then get flamed for it, well...I guess that's just tough.
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