Conversation Between Q and Mister X

  1. Q
  2. I would print them too, but my wife doesn't allow me,because she thinks that I would be wasting ink. She's very cheap.
    And to think that I am Jewish and she is not
  3. Q
    Very true. I print most longer articles because of that. Imagine my pile of paper? No, it's higher
  4. Oh I see.
    I already have subscribed to some sites through email but I guess RSS saves you from the spam. Thanks for that.

    I though it was like a program that reads the articles to you though when you mentioned it. That would be really great because a reading of the screen is 10 times more tiring than reading off a paper.
  5. Q

    It's a nice way to check up on sites. An "rss reader" is akin to an email client, but instead of emails, you get a notice when a new article has been published on whichever site you have an rss feed on. It really saves time if you're checking up on a dozen or so sites
  6. I am familiar with Hands Off Venezuela. There are many Hands Off Venezuela people in my city. They are most like a solidarity group than an actual organization. Most of them are left-wing but the majority is not even Marxist. Whats an Rss or whatever reader?
  7. Q
    Yeah, the IMT itself has a critical tone about Chavez, but on the other hand they also have the "Hands Of Venezuela" campaign, which completely lacks that tone. I just don't understand that I guess.

    But I guess I'll add IDoM to my rss reader and read even more on my daily round
  8. Yeah I have heard about the split it actually made the news here in Canada I just didn't know the details and what followed. And I am glad that you did not I am stupid enough to give me one sided propaganda.

    I don't agree that In Defence Of Marxism supports Chavez. I have been reading both sites and most articles on each site for a long time now and I think they have the same attitude with the CWI although I do not think that they support the same party (correct me if I am wrong).

    The IMT has called Chavez a left-wing populist among other things, which angered me when I was very enthusiastic about Chavez. Of course both the CWI and the IMT were correct to have this analysis and in the years past the Chavez mania time I understand why.
  9. Q
    I do hope we will remerge one day though, due to revolutionary events.
  10. Q
    To put things in perspective a bit: It isn't very odd that In Defense of Marxism and we share similar analysis. Until the early 1990's the guys behind the IMT (international behind In Defense of Marxism) were still part of the CWI. This socalled Grant-Woods Tendency split over the question of the old workers parties which in the opinion of the majority of the CWI turned out to become full capitalist parties (not only Labour in the UK, but pretty much every social-democratic party internationally - this was partly due to the fall of the USSR in which not only you but whole layers got disillusioned).

    The Grant-Woods Tendency was of the opinion that Labour was still a genuine workers party and remained active in it, to this day. The IMT that was subsequently formed copied this same tactic everywhere.

    Besides this question I would say that we also differ on our analysis of Venezuela in which the IMT adopts a very pro-Chavez attitude, where we hold on to critical support.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18