Conversation Between Q and Rosa Lichtenstein

  1. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Interesting to see yet another CWI-clone (Mayakovsky was the other one earlier this week) side with a Maoist against a fellow Trotskyist.
  2. Rosa Lichtenstein
    You are one to talk about 'arguing better'!

    If I face aggressive, stupid or sectarian arguments from you and other comrades, I do not suffer such fools gladly, and in general just put them down, or become even more aggressive in return.

    And, I will continue to react this way. There is no excuse for sectarianism and un-provoked aggression from supposed comrades.
  3. Q
    If only you would argue a bit better you could bring forward your points so much better. People might actually start looking into your critique of dialectics for example. But no, you push everyone away all the time. Sad really.
  4. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Well, what else can we expect from a sectarian? Can I now give you negative reps for anything you post with which I "disapprove"?
  5. Rosa Lichtenstein
    I see, a 'troll', according to you, is someone who points out your preference for gossip and rumour, eh?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5