Conversation Between Patchd and Holden Caulfield

  1. Patchd
    Haha, I might be, but I can't guarantee anything. Academia don't look too good for me atm, so I need to sort myself out in terms of that, but also financially I'm pretty much completely broke, so I won't necessarily have any money to travel down. But if I can get some, I'll go, probably stay round the fringe meetings and meet up with NKOS and others for a drink instead though.

    Doubt I can afford the cost of the ticket
  2. you going to Marxism Pally?
  3. likewise about A-D,
  4. Patchd
    Ah fair dos. I hate anti-deutsche, bunch of idiots.
    Haha, yeh, fucking stayed out in the countryside for ages ... I admire his cop killing skills haha
  5. i dont think he is part of the group or anything, but what he says about anti-fascism is pretty much what anti-deutsche says,

    i like your user tag btw, wish i had the survival skills of Harry
  6. Patchd
    Malte isn't anti-deutsche is he????
  7. one day there will be a revleft revolution and the patriarcal capitalist t-shirt selling zionist anti-deutsche dear leader shall be removed, and the CC will over flow with pictures of communists
  8. Patchd
    lol, fuck it. Facebook ftw eh?
  9. i know they are fucking killjoys,
  10. Patchd
    Security reasons? Bah, I liked it
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