Conversation Between BobKKKindle$ and Killfacer

  1. Killfacer
    you big man you

    Indeed. Try and resist the temptation in the future, otherwise I'll have to give you an infraction for spamming.
  3. Please. Be my guest
  4. Killfacer
    You're a hack. Do you actually want to to start being horrible to you again? Because i seem to remember last time it was pretty one sided.
  5. Killfacer
    Do you really want to start another spam war? If not then piss of you hack and don't just insult me in my rep.
  6. Killfacer
    Your best friend is back! Hooray!
  7. Killfacer
    me too
  8. That made me cry =(

    But seriously, when are you going to say something that makes the slightest bit of sense? We're all waiting.
  9. ya ya go and explain. I iz confuzzled.
  10. People like me? you mean Marxists?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 37
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