Conversation Between BobKKKindle$ and Pogue

  1. Pogue
    you should change your name to 'bobby sands'
  2. Pogue
    "That was the best contribution ever. No, really, just shut up."

    Haha nice
  3. BTW I will reply to your last PM, I've just got work to do atm.
  4. Pogue
    bob how do you think that revolutions against capitalism/imperialism need to happen in the 'third world' before spreading to the first world?
  5. Pogue
    I think firstly that too many anarchists have accepted left communist positions thus making their ideology a joke, pathetic and ineffectual, because alot of people are too ideologically pure to go near any real struggles. People prioritise mindless, abstract principles over actually improving the condition of the working class and building a revolutionary movement which is pathetic.

    I find it utterly absurd that we'd get criticism for things such as supporting working witin unions, calling for our own alternatives to existing national liberation struggles, from people whose ideology forces them to stand a meter away from real struggles. Its a pathetic position, and left communism is the epitomy of this position, of course they can criticise everyone else for 'mistakes' they make, they don't do anything themselves! Its ridiculous and it needs to be challenged as a decadent ideological current.
  6. Why the hostility towards Left Communism as of late? =P Not that I don't sympathize.
  7. Pogue
  8. joined.
  9. Pogue
    comrade, where does this most serious of claims come from? have you perhaps been influenced by the corrupting influence of social anafascism?
  10. you stalinist
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