Conversation Between Hit The North and l'Enfermé

  1. Hit The North
    I'm an ex member, comrade. As for my opinion (which is practically worthless), I have recently posted my thoughts in the thread.
  2. Comrade, aren't you a member of the SWP? I was wondering if you could tell me what you think about the recent happenings in the party. I don't think a single SWPer commented on RevLeft about what's happening right now.
  3. Hit The North
    Ok, cheers.
  4. (cont) Though to me, the Nazi-Soviet military alliance is not as alarming as the Nazi-Soviet economic relations. Take a look at this article, for example. %931941)

    And this graph, from the article:

    Most German, after the Phoney War, came from Stalin(85 percent at one point)! I.e, Germany would have been economically ruined if not for Nazi-Soviet trade. Stalin is what allowed Germany to break the British blockade, Germany actually imported Indian(that is, the same India which was the "jewel" of the British Empire at the time)goods through the USSR.
  5. There's loads of books written on this stuff. You can read the text of the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty online, in English, and the subsequent German-Soviet treaties are also available.
    The secret protocols of the Mol-Ribb pact call for (1) the partition of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, (2) the partition of Poland and creating potential Polish client states and (3) Soviet annexation of Bessarabia. The relations between Hitler and Stalin were such, that they were dividing the Baltic and Eastern Europe between themselves...Hitler and Mussolini weren't on such friendly terms!

    Regarding German-Soviet axis talks, there's a wikipedia article, and while wikipedia is generally an inadequate source, it at least touches the surface and most of the time, gets the most important facts right:
  6. Hit The North
    Thanks for cluing me in. Interesting stuff. Do you have any good sources for this?
    It would be wrong to call the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact a "non-aggression pact" now that it's secret protocols are known by all. It was only a step short of a military alliance(and today it's known that Hitler actually invited Stalin to join the Axis, Stalin gave Hitler a counter-proposal, demanding a bigger sphere of influence for the Soviet Union - Persia and other regions of the Middle East - in exchange for the USSR joining the Axis; Hitler never responded, which apparently made Stalin and Molotov pretty pissy). After all it's conveniently ignored by Stalinists that Finland was not a German puppet, in fact, the opposite, Hitler stood on Stalin's side during the Winter War, going as far as setting up a naval blockade of Finland, and intimidating Sweden from aiding Finland or allowing weapons to pass through Sweden on their way to Finland. Herr Hitler played no small part in aiding the Soviets during the war.
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