Conversation Between Robocommie and bcbm

  1. Robocommie
    I only wish I had the salary of a cop man
  2. bcbm
  3. Robocommie
    well send me your contact information buttercup. lol
  4. bcbm
    ive hung with lots of people from this dumb website lol ;-) add me on fb and chat im fucking bored
  5. Robocommie
    Hell man don't be so anti-social, what is this site good for other than hanging out and talking shit? ;p
  6. bcbm
    yeah i got that. i don't think i knew him outside of this website tho?
  7. Robocommie
    Mind you I mean the Chavista, the poster, not the dickhead with a tv show
  8. bcbm
    not that i know of...
  9. Robocommie
    Weren't you buds back in the day?
  10. bcbm
    nihcom dude. i never hung out with glenn beck?
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