Conversation Between Rosa Lichtenstein and BobKKKindle$

  1. Rosa Lichtenstein
    I'm glad to hear it!
  2. "In addition to the things BobK says, although he might disagree with this: drop that crazy theory they lifted from Hegel (upside down or the 'right way up'), since it is clearly the ideology of substitutionist elements in Marxism."

    I am no dialectician!
  3. Rosa Lichtenstein
    I think you can use your judgement here.
  4. i would, but it's about me, so..
  5. Rosa Lichtenstein
  6. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Yes, I left a message of condolence at Lenin's Tomb:

    I only met him once, when I chaired an SWP meeting back in the late 1980s.

    A very greate loss!
  7. Comrade, have you heard the sad news about Chris Harman?
  8. Rosa Lichtenstein
    BK, I told you I'd not be there; I am in the middle of a house move right now. All being well, I'll be there next year -- as will my ex-partner, who is a hundred times better at public speaking than I am.
  9. Where were you at the meeting on dialectics today?
  10. Rosa Lichtenstein
    I used to like Friends, but I watched it so much, I grew tired of it!
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