Conversation Between Sentinel and daft punk

  1. yeah, it's a good 'un, lol!
  2. Sentinel
    "I’d like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend the greatest honor and thanks to the great leader of the 40 million Korean people, Comrade Kim Il-song, ever-victorious, iron-willed, brilliant commander and outstanding leader of the international communist and working-class movements"

    LOL! Thanks for finding this gem, I nearly spilt my coffee laughing.
  3. Sentinel
    We all do what we can. Take care.
  4. cool, I'm not really active these days tbh, for various reasons, but still keep in touch.
  5. Sentinel
    Indeed I am, since about a year and half back. Besides that I'm also quite involved in our work to establish the CWI in Finland, as I happen to speak the language. Older posts by me (before december -10 or so) on Revleft will not reflect my current views much, as I used to be an anarchist of sorts.
  6. I see you are Swedish CWI, nice one!
  7. Most people think I'm a sectarian twat, so, much appreciated!
  8. Sentinel
    Hi comrade, I just wanted to say 'hi' and that I enjoy your posts a lot. Nice to have a veteran like yourself from our organisation here. I've sent you a friend request.
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