Conversation Between Coggeh and Lyev

  1. Lyev
    happy birthday comrade!
  2. Lyev
    Well it's a difficult one really. There are a couple things that I would reproach Crow with (f.e his inflated union wage, he's gets quite a lot per year), but I believe, at the moment, the left needs to be pragmatic. I.e. I like him and support his actions mostly because he's a well-known figure of the workers left in the UK, and there's some totally unnecessary slander against him. I support him because, partly, there's no other UK, mainstream leftist to support. As for TUSC, same as well. I support TUSC 100% because they're 100% more progressive and pro-worker than anyone else. Read this (it's only really short): and then decide whether we should support Crow and TUSC. We have to show solidarity when comrades are assailed by such anti-democratic draconian laws, even if we disagree with some of their actions and beliefs.
  3. Coggeh
    What is your opinion of TUSC and of Crow ? is he really that geniune or more of an entuasiast towards socialism and the ideas of TUSC.
  4. Lyev
    Ah lovely, nice area? And yup, it's great that the CWI has at least one MEP that I know of. Maybe with the upcoming election we might see a guy like Nellist in with a really good shot at getting solid support. And it's the same here with a guy like Bob Crow, who, in my opinion, has been doing some sterling work recently with the RMT, but also TUSC. Like Higgins, he is fully behind the workers movement and standing up for strikers.
  5. Coggeh
    nope in the deep red south , CORK BAI !

    Yeah i saw it , joe is doing huge work in ireland every party is condemning all the industrial action such as the passport workers , SF and labour included Joe being the only elected official outside councillors to side with them , were building huge links with unions such as the CPSU . its really going really good this side of the pond.
  6. Lyev
    Yeah, it's nice to know we're not alone on Revleft, we don't seem that popular :P. I was wondering, since you're in North Ireland (I think) did you see that letter from SP MEP Joe Higgins, giving support to the BA strikers? It made me quite proud, that there's at least someone willing to stand up for them.

    And yeah things here aren't bad I guess. Activism has stepped up quite a lot recently, but I'm also really busy with tests, so I've gotta balance the two. It's quite difficult. How's things with you?
  7. Coggeh
    No problem. go to have a fellow cwier on the site. hows life ?
  8. Lyev
    Thanks for the friends invite comrade.
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