Conversation Between Coggeh and Q

  1. Coggeh
    Hey Q , Planning on going on a reading binge over the next few days , I was wondering where would I find any writings by marx or engels about the question of money in communism . Also is their any marxist pamphlet on the crises of over production or do I have to read capital
  2. Coggeh
    Wage Labour and Capital shall be the first book of the revolutionary book group .

    The book can be found through this link :

    Post any questions from reading or points of discussion into the group thread that will be made about the book .

    Enjoy .
  3. Coggeh
    Thanks for the two thanks lol
  4. Q

    But hi, had a good trip back home?
  5. Coggeh
  6. Coggeh
    How are you
  7. Q
    Hey Coggy
  8. Coggeh
    Q hi
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