Conversation Between bcbm and BobKKKindle$

  1. bcbm
    i think the threads shouldn't have been merged. i agree they have somewhat similar content, but i think the article was interesting in its own right and a better place to discuss left opposition to the soviet states. plus now the whole discussion looks like a clusterfuck...
  2. bcbm
    fair enough, cheers. :-)
  3. I'm definitely of the opinion that we should celebrate the fall of the wall even though we regret what workers had to endure in the 1990s. And to be honest I did put it in with a slight desire to provoke. But you're right, I'll delete it in the interests of sensible discussion.
  4. bcbm
    why did you put "aka let's celebrate" in the title of that article? its not in the original and i don't think it fits with the tone at all, and is only really serving to inflame the argument over an article that brings up things i think most outside the german left probably aren't aware of.
  5. bcbm
    Post her number on 4chan with nude pics. Suffering will ensue.
  6. one of my close female friends said she had know for a while but didn't want to tell me we were going out 'cause she thought it would upset me =( Now I feel evil and want to make her suffer.
  7. bcbm
    Damn that sucks. How did you find out? And, of course, the only thing to do now is get pissed and get laid. A lot.
  8. I am sad =( I learned today that my ex cheated on me when we were going out =(
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