Conversation Between black magick hustla and o well this is ok I guess

  1. o well this is ok I guess
    All my white friends are college dropouts. Just meet more of those.
  2. black magick hustla
    i dont have white friends anymore
  3. black magick hustla
    alberta has increased my hatred for white people in general
  4. o well this is ok I guess
    Have you read "Cabal, Argot"?
  5. o well this is ok I guess
    Shit man 30's of PBR are like 40 bucks here
    But buying cheap beer that isn't domestic is stupid. Just drink lucky, man. Shits just as terrible and half the price.
  6. black magick hustla
    in MI it was much cheaper. you could get a dirthy 30 of pabst blue ribbons for around 24 dollars, and there where some dirty 30s of beer that was around 16 bucks. and these are american dollars which are worth less than canadian dollars. also, typical pint here costs 5 bucks or more, in the US there where places i could get a pint for 3 dollars.
  7. o well this is ok I guess
    yo man I was in the Philippines and cigs were a buck a pack and I was like "shiiiiiiiiiiiit"
    How much is alcohol in the states?
  8. black magick hustla
    but theres this sin tax and the cigs are like 11 cnd
    dollars a pack fuck that bullshit
  9. o well this is ok I guess
    Like shit man you gotta like buy your groceries AND THEN go to the gas station across the street to get cigs. The fuck man cigarettes are groceries.
    Grow your own dawg, grow your own.
  10. black magick hustla
    dawggg i just moved to canada and it fucking sucks to buy booze and cigs. thats why i quitted smoking
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