Conversation Between black magick hustla and twenty percent tip

  1. black magick hustla
    r u real. honestly u sound like a 20something hipster on benzos. i dont mind tho if u are really an old ex leftist or not your posts are top quality
  2. twenty percent tip
    ornlyway ti get the kind of atrtention i want is tooffer money. rightnow i cant even buy cornschips. im using free newspaper to wipe arse. fuuuuuuuuuuuuc
  3. black magick hustla
    i wsih there was something there im srry theres trolling the internet anbd spending your paycheck on booze tho
  4. black magick hustla
    no but ive thought about it when i was south of the american border but i stay with family at that time and i dopntwant to spend on a motel
  5. twenty percent tip
    3 holers are best. lolwhat th fuckelse is there to do?wait to die
  6. black magick hustla
    he used to have a moustache btw
  7. twenty percent tip
    d youd ever pay for it?
  8. twenty percent tip
    do u fuck woman?or not scause youre red?
  9. twenty percent tip
    i lorve you brob. butdant do druggos
  10. twenty percent tip
    hey brob. whats koing on?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24