Conversation Between Vanguard1917 and bailey_187

  1. I haven't really studied philosophers in any great depth. In terms of grasping Marxism's method, I remember reading Lukacs was quite helpful (and very challenging).
  2. i was reading some old posts philosophy section and u made a good post and sounded like u studied it. what are some good books on philosophy (besides marx) that u agree with (as i agree with ur posts alot), preferably explanation of by another author, not something from the 17/18th century

  3. Lol i do what i can, suhn
  4. u should post more bruh, take these hippies out
  5. I'm sure i'll get around to reading it at some point. Yes, he's argued that the rise of growth scepticisim is partly the result of the defeat of the working class movement. But, as he's argued here, the global economic growth which is widely denounced in the West represents a great potential for workers' solidarity worldwide.
  6. Comrade, will you be getting Ferraris For All by Daniel Ben-Ami?

    Is Ben-Ami a socialist? I have often heard him talk of growth scepitcism being a result of the defeat of the left/working class politics in the 80s and 90s.
  7. thanks mate
  8. "'farm' fish and coral on land rather than undertake potentially destrucutive fishing at sea"

    That's basically saying that 'villagers' and poor countries should only pursue subsistence-level fishing and not seek to develop a fishing industry. It's the same message as elsewhere: 'sustainable development' in practice means small-scaled and localised 'development' -- i.e. what is keeping the 'developing world' poor in the first place.

    Decent article on fishing and the need for developing aquaculture:
  9. yo i got a geography exam tomrow for a level and its about biodiversity in South Pacific Islands like Fiji and them places. Some of its about NGO's like WWF who (to quote to prelease material) "WWf are working with coastal villagers to make the trade in aquarium fish more sustainable. This aim is to provide villagers with the means to 'farm' fish and coral on land rather than undertake potentially destrucutive fishing at sea" - what would you say to that?

    Also what would you say to the arguments in general that human activities (e.g. palm oil plantations) on these islands is destroying "vital ecosystems"?

  10. Hello, if you dont mind i would like your perspective on this:

    As i am unsure about all this stuff. For reasosn i said in my post in the thread, i dont know what the correct position is on dams, so i am hoping seeing a debate on the issue will help me come to a conclusion.

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