Conversation Between Killfacer and Pogue

  1. Killfacer
    that was my radical impression, what did you think?
  2. Pogue
    your clearly a bit of a ****
  3. Killfacer
    If i meet you at an event i'm gonna back myself up and beat you. If i find you i will beat you. GRRRRR!
  4. Pogue
    yeh it was good
  5. Killfacer
    Good party?
  6. Killfacer
    asnwer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Pogue
    twat, respond to me.
  8. Pogue
    k. talk in pms.
  9. Killfacer
    No point im not here much longer
  10. Pogue

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